Introduction to R

Self-Assessment Questions3

  1. How do you calculate the relative frequencies for each of the categories of a variable?
  2. Give an example of a dichotomous variable.
  3. Why is age a continuous variable instead of a discrete variable?
  4. How does an interval scale differ from an ordinal scale? Explain using examples (not from the lecture).
  5. How does a ratio scale differ from an interval scale? Explain using examples (not from the lecture).

Please stop here and don’t go beyond this point until we have compared notes on your answers.

R & RStudio – Installation

Today we start working with R and the first step is to install the program. Please follow these instructions:

  1. Go to and select a server from which you want to download R. It is convention to do this from the server which is nearest to you. Follow on-screen instructions and install the program.
  2. Go to and download RStudio Desktop which is free. Install the program.
  3. Now open RStudio - you do not need to open R itself, as we will be operating it through RStudio.

Whilst you need to install both R and RStudio, we will never be working with R directly. Instead, we will be operating it through RStudio.

R - Getting Started

In this worksheet and also in all other presentations and documents I use on this module, I am using two different fonts:

  • Font for plain text
  • A typewriter font for R functions, values, etc.

I am also regularly including “screenshots” of operations in R with their output. Whenever you see these, please replicate them on your own computer. To start, let’s have a look at RStudio itself. When you open the programme, you are presented with the following screen:


Figure 1: RStudio

It has – for now – three components to it. On the left hand-side you see the so-called Console into which you can enter the commands, and in which also most of the results will be displayed. On the right hands side, you see the Workspace which consists of an upper and a lower window. The upper window has three tabs in it. The tab Environment will provide you with a list of all the data sets you have loaded into R, and also of the objects and values you create (more on that later). Under the History tab, you find a history (I know, who would have thought it) of all the commands you have used. This can be very useful to retrace your steps. In the Connections tab you can connect to online sources. We will not use this tab.

In the lower window, you have five tabs. Under Files you find the file structure of your computer. Once you have set a working directory (more on that in a moment), you can also view the files in your working directory here which gives you a good overview of the files you need to refer to for a particular project. The Plots tab will display the graphs we will be producing. Packages form the heart and soul of R and they make the program as powerful as it is (again, more on that later). RStudio also has a Help function, which is rarely very illuminating. I usually search for stuff online on “stackexchange”, as there is a large community of R users out there who share their knowledge and solutions to problems. We won’t use the last tab Viewer.

Introduction to R Studio

If you can’t get enough of my delightful German accent, then I have some videos for you in which I go through the respective components of the worksheet on screen. Here is the first:


If you read the previous section carefully, you will have noticed that I wrote that you can enter the commands” in the Console. You can, but you shouldn’t. What you should be using instead is an RScript. An RScript is a list of commands you use for a project (an essay, your dissertation, an article) to calculate quantities of interest, such as descriptive statistics in the form of mean, median and mode, and produce graphs.

One of the foundations of scientific research is “reproducibility”“, or”replicability”. This means that “sufficient information exists with which to understand, evaluate, and build upon a prior work if a third party could replicate the results without any additional information from the author.” King (1995, p. 444, emphasis removed) This principle applies in academia more generally, because only if you understand what a person has done before you, you can pick their work up whether they left it, and push the boundaries of knowledge further. But a bit closer to home, it is also relevant for conducting quantitative research in assessments. We require you to submit an RScript (or a “do file” if you use Stata) now together with your actual essay. This is not only to check what you have done; data preparation is often the most time-consuming part (as you will soon discover), and this is a way to gain recognition for this work. So it is actually to your advantage, and not a mere plagiarism check.

The creation of an RScript will allow you to open the raw data, and by running the script, to bring it to exactly where you left off. This saves you saving data sets which can take up a lot of work. If you back the script up properly, you also have an insurance against losing all your work a day before the assessment is due.

To create an RScript, click File \(\rightarrow\) New File \(\rightarrow\) RScript. A fourth window opens, and your screen will now look something like this:

\label{fig:RScript}The RScript Window

Figure 2: The RScript Window

You can now write your commands in the RScript, where a new line (for now) means a new command. If you want to execute a command, put the cursor on the line the command is on and press “command” / “enter” simultaneoulsy on a Mac and “Ctrl” / “Enter” on Windows.

If you precede a line with #, you can write annotations to yourself, for example explaining what you do with a particular command. More on this in the next sub-section.

Figure 3 shows the start of the RScript for this worksheet. I prefer a dark background, it’s easier on the eyes, especially when you work with R for long periods. You can change the settings in: Tools \(\rightarrow\) Global Options \(\rightarrow\) Appearance \(\rightarrow\) Twilight.

\label{fig:RScriptex}Example of an RScript

Figure 3: Example of an RScript

More Themes

If you copy and paste the following code chunks into your “Console” and run one at a time, you will have even more themes4 to choose from:

  repos = c(gadenbuie = '', getOption("repos"))

You can also download Flo’s Dark Theme5 and then “add” it at the bottom of the “Appearance” menu.


RScript Structure

Well, I am German, and I like things neat and tidy, so I feel almost compelled to discuss how to properly organise an RScript. But apart from genetical dispositions, a well-organised RScript is also very much in the spirit of reproducibility. It simply makes sense to structure an RScript in such a way that another researcher is able to easily read and understand it.

First of all, which commands to include? If you introduce me to your current girlfriend or boyfriend, I have no interest in learning about all your past relationships; they have not worked out. In a similar fashion, nobody wants to read through lines of code that are irrelvant. So you will only include in the RScript those commands which produce the output you actually include in the essay or article.

I stated above that if you precede a line with #, you can write annotations to yourself. This is also a useful way to structure an RScript, for example into exercise numbers, sections of an essay /article, or different stages of data preparation (which we will be doing in due course).

RScript Structure

First Steps in R

But enough of the preliminary talk, let’s get started in R. In principle, you can think of R as a massive and powerful calculator. So I will use it as such to start of with. If you want to know what the sum of 5 and 3 is, you type:


and execute the line as previously explained. In everything that is to follow, commands will be shown in boxes with the output underneath preceded by a number in square brackets. So, including result, the calculation would look like this:

[1] 8

where the [1] indicates that the 8 is the first component of the result. In this case, we only have one component, so it’s superfluous really, but we will soon encounter situations in which results can have a number of different items.

You can copy the code from this page by hovering over the code chunk and clicking the icon in the top-right hand corner. You can then paste it into your RScript.

A fundamental component of R is objects. You can define an object by way of a reversed arrow, and you can assign values, characters, or functions to them. If we want to assign the sum of 5 and 3 to an object called result, for example, we call6

result <- 5+3

If we now call the object, R will return its value, 8.

[1] 8

Make a habit of adding a note underneath each code chunk in your RScript (preceded with a #) in which you translate the code into plain English. This is especially useful for the lengthy complex chunks.

The Working Directory

It is imperative that you create a suitable filing system to organise the materials for all of your modules. At the very least you should have a folder called “University” or similar, in which you have a sub-folder for each module you take.

In those modules in which you are working with R, you need to extend this system a little. I have created a schematic of what I have in mind in Figure 4.

\label{fig:folder}Folder Structure

Figure 4: Folder Structure

You see that there is a sub-folder for each week of the module (I have only done three for illustrative purposes), and that each of these folders is divided into lecture and seminar in turn. Into these you can place the lecture and seminar materials, respectively. Create this system now for PO11Q.

R works with so-called Working Directories. You can think of these as drawers from which R takes everything it needs to conduct the analysis (such as the data set), and into which it puts everything it produces (such as graph plots). As this will be an R-specific drawer within the seminar, create yet another sub-folder in your seminar folder, and call it something suitable, such as “PO11Q_Seminar_Week 1”. Do NOT call this “Working Directory”, as you will have many of those, rendering this name completely meaningless. Save the file EU.xlsx into this folder. Data are taken from European Comission (n.d.).

Please set up this structure now. If I find you using a random folder on your desktop named “working directory” in the coming weeks, I am going to implode! I mean it.

Now we need to tell R to use this folder. If you know the file structure of your computer you can simply use the setwd() command, and enter the path. Here is an example from my computer:

setwd("~/Warwick/Modules/PO11Q/Seminars/Week 5/R Week 5")

If you don’t know the file structure of your computer, then you can click Session \(\rightarrow\) Set Working Directory \(\rightarrow\) Choose Directory.

Working Directory

R Packages

It would be difficult to overstate the importance of packages in R. The program has a number of “base” functions which enable the user to do many different basic things, but packages are extensions that allow you to do pretty much anything and everything with this software - this is one of the reasons why I love it so much. The first package we need to use will enable us to load an Excel sheet into R. It is called readxl. You can install any package with the command install.packages() where the package name goes, wrapped in quotation marks, into the brackets:


We can then load this package into our library with the library() command.


Once you close R at the end of a session, the library will be reset. When you reopen R, you have to load the packages you require again. But you do not have to install them again.

Opening your Data Set

We are now ready to open a data set in R - where it is called a “data frame”. For this, we create a new object EU, and ask R to read “Sheet 1”” of the Excel file “EU.xlsx” which we placed in the working directory earlier

EU <- read_excel("EU.xlsx", sheet="Sheet1")

We can now use our data in R!

Loading the Data Set

Please do not use the “Import Dataset” button in the Environment, but do this properly, manually. We sometimes need to set options for importing data sets, and the “pointy, clicky” approach won’t be able to offer you what you need.

Viewing the Data

Unless you have been cheeky and opened the file in Excel to have a look, you have no idea yet, what the data look like. So it’s a good idea to view the data frame before doing anything with it. You can use the View() command to see the data frame:


If you only want to see the first 6 observations of each variable, use the head() command:

# A tibble: 6 × 5
  country     pop18 access   area GDP_2015
  <chr>       <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>    <dbl>
1 Belgium  11413058   1951  30280  4.66e11
2 Bulgaria  7050034   2007 108560  1.22e11
3 Czechia  10610055   2004  77230  3.19e11
4 Denmark   5781190   1973  42430  2.46e11
5 Germany  82850000   1951 348540  3.60e12
6 Estonia   1319133   2004  42390  3.51e10

If you simply want to know the variable names in the data frame, type:

[1] "country"  "pop18"    "access"   "area"     "GDP_2015"

The next one is a very important command, because it reveals not only the variable names and their first few observations, but also the nature of each variable (numerical, character, etc.). It is the str() command, where “str” stands for structure:

tibble [28 × 5] (S3: tbl_df/tbl/data.frame)
 $ country : chr [1:28] "Belgium" "Bulgaria" "Czechia" "Denmark" ...
 $ pop18   : num [1:28] 11413058 7050034 10610055 5781190 82850000 ...
 $ access  : num [1:28] 1951 2007 2004 1973 1951 ...
 $ area    : num [1:28] 30280 108560 77230 42430 348540 ...
 $ GDP_2015: num [1:28] 4.66e+11 1.22e+11 3.19e+11 2.46e+11 3.60e+12 ...

You can see that R has recognised most variables as numerical, one is displayed as a character variable. This is appropriate for some variables, such as pop18, but not for the ordinal variable access which is ordinal. We need to recode it, and all other variables we are unhappy with.

Variable Types in R

R distinguishes between a number of different variable types and here is a broad overview of them. This will help you in deciding which descriptive statistics to calculate, or into which variable type you need to recode (next step) to achieve what you want. There are two general types:

  1. numeric – numbers
  2. character (also called string) – letters

Within numeric we can distinguish between the following:

  • factor - nominal
  • ordered factor - ordinal
  • integer - numeric, but only “whole” numbers (discrete)
  • numeric - any number (interval or ratio)

Numerical variables are already in the data set, we have to attend to nominal and ordinal variables.

Nominal Variables

In terms of the variable types we encountered in the lecture this week, the country name is a nominal variable. So we need to tell R to turn this into a factor variable. We do this as follows:

EU$country = factor(EU$country)

Ordinal Variables

As mentioned above, the variable access should be ordinal, and therefore has to be turned into an ordered factor. The command which follows is almost identical to producing a factor variable, only that we add the option ordered = TRUE at the end:

EU$access_fac = factor(EU$access, ordered = TRUE)

If you are familiar with European Studies, you will know that each accession wave has got a particular name. The 1973 enlargement, for example, is called the “First Enlargement”, the 1981 wave the Mediterranean Enlargement, and so forth. Let us create a new variable which uses these names instead of the years.

This process is a little more involved, and requires a new package to be installed and loaded: dplyr. This package is part of the so-called tidyverse which is a suite of packages designed to make working with R simpler and commands shorter. You can install all of them by calling install.packages("tidyverse"). We then load the tidyverse with:


The command which follows takes a little explaining. We start by stating the dataframe we wish to assign the result to, EU. Then we name the data frame that contains the data we wish to manipulate, here also EU. The symbol which follows, \%>\%, reads as “and then”, and is called a “pipe”. So we take the data frame EU “and then” carry out a function called mutate. It creates a new variable. This function in turn defines the new variable wave by recoding the variable access_fac. The command then specifies all categories of the “old” variable access_fac and what their respective values in the “new” variable wave are going to be. The categories in each are set in quotation marks, as they are factor / character categories.

EU <- EU %>%
  mutate(wave = recode(access_fac, '1951'="Founding", 
                       '1973'= "First",
                       '1981'= "Mediterranean",
                       '1986' = "Mediterranean",
                       '1995' = "Cold War",
                       '2004' = "Eastern",
                       '2007' = "Eastern",
                       '2013' = "Balkans"))

Please note that some colleagues in the department have decided to take a random dislike to the tidyverse as one of currently 21,810 packages7 and might therefore require you to use base R in their modules. I am still using the tidyverse however, as:

  • I think it is nonsense to exclude one package in particular
  • my textbook, which is going to be the main textbook for this module once it is published, uses the tidyverse
  • GGPLOT2 which is part of the tidyverse simplifies code for generating figures significantly and will do for all but the most specific requirements
  • a lot of support on stackexchange is geared toward the tidyverse as a lot of US-based data scientists work with this package, and so you will find it easier to solve problems

But to keep everybody happy, I am providing the base R code whenever possible in a collapsible section like this one:

Base R Solution
EU$wave <- NA
EU$wave[EU$access_fac=='1951'] <- "Founding"
EU$wave[EU$access_fac=='1973'] <- "First"
EU$wave[EU$access_fac=='1981'] <- "Mediterranean"
EU$wave[EU$access_fac=='1986'] <- "Mediterranean"
EU$wave[EU$access_fac=='1995'] <- "Cold War"
EU$wave[EU$access_fac=='2004'] <- "Eastern"
EU$wave[EU$access_fac=='2007'] <- "Eastern"
EU$wave[EU$access_fac=='2013'] <- "Balkans"

EU$wave <- factor(EU$wave, ordered = TRUE)
Here, we first create a new, empty variable called wave in the EU data set. We then create new values , for example Founding in the variable EU$wave for the condition (this is what the square brackets [ ] do) that the variable access_fac in the EU data set, equals a specific value. For Founding this is is 1951. The last step is to turn the wave variable into an ordered factor.

But back to the recoding exercise itself. As the original variable access_fac was already an ordered factor, R (or the mutate function to be precise) also returns wave as an ordered factor. Had we not done this, wave would have been an unorderd factor (aka nominal variable). You can specify in an option to the mutate function whether you want the factor to be ordered or not:

EU <- EU %>%
  mutate(wave = recode(access_fac, '1951'="Founding", 
                       '1973'= "First",
                       '1981'= "Mediterranean",
                       '1986' = "Mediterranean",
                       '1995' = "Cold War",
                       '2004' = "Eastern",
                       '2007' = "Eastern",
                       '2013' = "Balkans"), ordered=TRUE)

An alternative procedure, producing exactly the same result is to use the cut() function on the access variable which literally cuts up a variable into chunks at the points we specify. This only works on numerical variables! We are fine to use it here, as we didn’t change access, and it is still numerical. Incidentally, this shows you the benefit of always creating a new variable instead of overwriting the original: there is no “back” button in R, if you mess up, you will have the pleasure to start from the beginning.

Again, we use the mutate function, this time naming our new variable wave1 (so as not to overwrite the wave variable we created with the recode() function). This time, we cut up the original variable at the accession years, and specify the levels, this time as labels. Labels denominate the output, whilst level are input. A factor only knows levels which is set by the label function. Here we have already created the levels with the cut() function, and assign labels to these in the second step.

EU <- EU %>% 
                  breaks=c(1950, 1951, 1973, 1986, 1995, 2007, 2013), 
                           "Cold War", 
[1] "Founding"      "First"         "Mediterranean" "Cold War"      "Eastern"      
[6] "Balkans"      
Base R Solution
EU$wave <- cut(EU$access, 
                  breaks=c(1950, 1951, 1973, 1986, 1995, 2007, 2013), 
                           "Cold War", 

Recoding a Factor Variable

Recoding Ordered Factor Variables

Binary Dummy

Very often in political science we have yes/no scenarios, such as democracy yes or no, civil war, yes or no, etc. To analyse these scenarios, we can create so-called “dummy variables”. In the present example, let’s specify for each country whether it has been a founding member of the EU. It is a factor variable and so we do this exactly the same way as our initial recoding of the wave variable above:

EU <- EU %>%
  mutate(founding = recode(access_fac, '1951'="Yes", 
                       '1973' = "No",
                       '1981' = "No",
                       '1986' = "No",
                       '1995' = "No",
                       '2004' = "No",
                       '2007' = "No",
                       '2013' = "No"))

# OR, much shorter

EU <- EU %>% 
   mutate(founding = factor(ifelse(access_fac=="1951", "Yes", "No"), 
                              levels =c("Yes", "No")))

# the result is the same

 Factor w/ 2 levels "Yes","No": 1 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 1 ...
Base R Solution

Using ifelse, this is very similar, only the pipe disappears:

EU$founding <- factor(ifelse(EU$access_fac=="1951", "Yes", "No"), 
                              levels =c("Yes", "No"))

The ifelse function is very handy, and is therefore worth explaining in a little more detail. It reads as ifelse('condition', 'if condition met, then', 'otherwise'). So, the above code reads as “if the value of the variable access_fac is equal to 1951, then code the observation as ‘Yes’, otherwise as ‘No’”.

Sub-Setting Data

When we start analysing data, we rarely need all data at the same time. We might not need some variables, at all, for example, or we only want to work with certain observations, such as those countries in the “founding” wave. In these cases, we can subset the data. I will show you some examples of subsetting now.

By Variable

If you are sure you won’t need a variable (remember, there is no back button), you can simply drop (i.e. delete) it. Let’s do this with the area variable:

EU$area <- NULL

If we are dropping multiple variables, we can either perform this operation each time, or use another command which allows us to operate with multiple variables at the same time. The select() command comes from the tidyverse package and specifies which variables we wish to keep:

EU_pop <- select(EU, country, pop18, access_fac, founding)

This creates a new data frame called EU_pop containing only the variables country, pop18, access_fac, and founding.

Base R Solution

The package documentation offers some basic instructions how to convert the tidyverse (or dyplyr, to be precise) code into base R. But here is the solution for the previous code chunk:

EU_pop <- subset(EU, country, pop18, access_fac, founding)

We can, however, use the same command and tell R which variables to drop by adding a minus sign in from of the variables we want to delete. The following command produces exactly the same result as the one before:

EU_pop1 <- select(EU, -access, -GDP_2015)

By Observation

Instead of dropping and keeping variables, we can do the same thing to individual observations. Here, we use the slice() command (like a cake) and specify which slices we want to drop or keep. For example to drop the Benelux countries we would delete observations 1, 16 and 19:

EU_nobenelux <- slice(EU, -1, -16, -19)
Base R Solution
EU_pop <- EU[c(-1, -16, -19),]

Alternatively, if we were only interested in Benelux countries we would subset to only those observations:

EU_benelux <- slice(EU, 1, 16, 19)
Base R Solution
EU_pop <- EU[c(1, 16, 19),]

Keep if a variable has a certain value

One of the most useful commands is filter(), as it allows us to keep all observations for which the value of a variable is of a particular number. For example if we wanted to conduct an analysis with all countries which have a population in excess of 10 million we could subset by:

EU_pop_large <- filter(EU, pop18 > 10000000)
Base R Solution
EU_pop_large <- subset(EU, pop18 > 10000000)

Here is a list of some operators you can use for this purpose:

Operator Description
< less than
<= less than or equal to
> greater than
>= greater than or equal to
== exactly equal to
!= not equal to
!x Not x
x | y x OR y
x & y x AND y

Subsetting Data

Ordering Data

The data set in its original state is purposely not ordered by any criterion, such as alphabetical order of countries, etc. But we can use R to do exactly that. Let us work with a subset containing only three variables:

EU_subset <- select(EU, country, pop18, access)

It would be lovely if the command for ordering data would be called order(), but it is called arrange()8. Let’s order countries by ascending population in a new data frame called eu_order:

eu_order <- arrange(EU_subset, pop18)
Base R Solution
eu_order <- EU_subset[order(EU_subset$pop18),]

We can now display the first 10 rows with the following command:

# A tibble: 10 × 3
   country      pop18 access
   <fct>        <dbl>  <dbl>
 1 Malta       475701   2004
 2 Luxembourg  602005   1951
 3 Cyprus      864236   2004
 4 Estonia    1319133   2004
 5 Latvia     1934379   2004
 6 Slovenia   2066880   2004
 7 Lithuania  2808901   2004
 8 Croatia    4105493   2013
 9 Ireland    4838259   1973
10 Slovakia   5443120   2004

The content in the brackets refers to the rows (before the comma), and to the columns (after the comma). As we only want certain rows and displaying all variables, I have left the space after the comma blank.

We can do the same thing in descending order by calling:

eu_order <- arrange(EU_subset, desc(pop18))
# A tibble: 10 × 3
   country           pop18 access
   <fct>             <dbl>  <dbl>
 1 Germany        82850000   1951
 2 France         67221943   1951
 3 United Kingdom 66238007   1973
 4 Italy          60483973   1951
 5 Spain          46659302   1986
 6 Poland         37976687   2004
 7 Romania        19523621   2007
 8 Netherlands    17181084   1951
 9 Belgium        11413058   1951
10 Greece         10738868   1981
Base R Solution
eu_order <- EU_subset[order(desc(EU_subset$pop18)),]

A neat feature of R is that it allows us to order observations by more than one variable. So for example, we could order them by ascending accession wave first, and then by ascending population in 2018 as follows:

eu_order <- arrange(EU_subset, access, pop18)

# A tibble: 10 × 3
   country           pop18 access
   <fct>             <dbl>  <dbl>
 1 Luxembourg       602005   1951
 2 Belgium        11413058   1951
 3 Netherlands    17181084   1951
 4 Italy          60483973   1951
 5 France         67221943   1951
 6 Germany        82850000   1951
 7 Ireland         4838259   1973
 8 Denmark         5781190   1973
 9 United Kingdom 66238007   1973
10 Greece         10738868   1981
Base R Solution
eu_order <- EU_subset[order(EU_subset$access,EU_subset$pop18),]

# or slightly shorter 

eu_order <- EU_subset[order(with(EU_subset, access,pop18)),]

Grouping Data

Looking at the last example, a question that might spring up is in which accession wave the joining countries brought the largest population increase on average to the EU. We can calculate summary statistics for a particular group by, well, grouping them. The first step is to group data into rows with the same value:

eu_access <- group_by(EU_subset, access)

By the way: whenever you have grouped anything, and finished analysing data in this grouped version it is essential that you ungroup the data afterwards, so that you don’t unintentionally keep using the groups:

# A tibble: 28 × 3
   country     pop18 access
   <fct>       <dbl>  <dbl>
 1 Belgium  11413058   1951
 2 Bulgaria  7050034   2007
 3 Czechia  10610055   2004
 4 Denmark   5781190   1973
 5 Germany  82850000   1951
 6 Estonia   1319133   2004
 7 Ireland   4838259   1973
 8 Greece   10738868   1981
 9 Spain    46659302   1986
10 France   67221943   1951
# ℹ 18 more rows

But let’s calculate the average population size per accession wave in an elegant command which combines multiple steps by using pipes:

eu_popaccess <- EU_subset %>% 
  group_by(access) %>% 
  summarise(avg = mean(pop18))

# A tibble: 8 × 2
  access       avg
   <dbl>     <dbl>
1   1951 39958677.
2   1973 25619152 
3   1981 10738868 
4   1986 28475164.
5   1995  8151880.
6   2004  7327746.
7   2007 13286828.
8   2013  4105493 
Base R Solution
eu_popaccess1 <- aggregate(pop18 ~ access, 
                           data = EU_subset, 
                           FUN = mean )

You now see a new variable called avg which contains the average population increase for each wave. In which wave did the joining countries have the largest population on average?

Combining Ordering and Grouping Data

The question was easy to answer here, as we only have a few accession waves. It starts to get unwieldy though, the more groups we have, but we can let R do the job by combining first grouping, and then ordering. So we take the grouped data frame eu_popaccess and order it by descending avg:

eu_popaccess_order <- arrange(eu_popaccess, desc(avg))

# A tibble: 8 × 2
  access       avg
   <dbl>     <dbl>
1   1951 39958677.
2   1986 28475164.
3   1973 25619152 
4   2007 13286828.
5   1981 10738868 
6   1995  8151880.
7   2004  7327746.
8   2013  4105493 
Base R Solution
eu_popaccess_order <- eu_popaccess[order(desc(eu_popaccess$avg)),]


Please now save this RScript into the same folder (working directory) as the raw data. When R asks before closing, there is no need to save the workspace or the data, as running the RScript on the raw data will bring you precisely to where you left off.

Homework for Week 7

  • Finish working through this worksheet.
  • Add a note underneath each code chunk in your RScript (by starting the line with #), translating the code into plain English. This will help you learn the vocabulary and grammar of R quicker. If you are unsure what individual functions mean, you can find a .csv file with a full list for each week underneath the flashcards (see below, but here is an example).
  • Ensure you catch up on the readings for Weeks 1-5, see Reading Week.
  • Read the required literature for week 7. Work thoroughly through chapters 7 and 8 of the Fogarty book to make sure you are familiar with all the relevant commands to produce descriptive statistics and graphs with R.
  • Work through this week’s flashcards to familiarise yourself with the relevant R functions.
  • Find an example for each NEW function and apply it in R to ensure it works

  1. Some of the content of this worksheet is taken from Reiche (forthcoming).↩︎

  2. Source:↩︎

  3. This is a variation of the Dracula Theme.↩︎

  4. To “call” means to execute a command.↩︎


  6. There is a command called order(), but it is not part of the tidyverse, and as this package is steadily on the rise in coding, I am only showing you this here.↩︎