cross-sectional data
Look at different units (or cross-sections) \(i\) at a single point in time
data set
A collection of numerical values for individual observations, separated into distinctive variables
descriptive statistics
Summarise information about the centre and variability of a variable
The deviation \(d\) of an observation \(y_{i}\) from the sample mean \(\bar{y}\) is the difference between them: \(d=y_{i}-\bar{y}\)
interquartile range
The difference between the 3\(^{\text{rd}}\) and the 1\(^{\text{st}}\) quartiles
Is equal to the sum of the observations divided by the number of observations
Separates the lower half from the upper half of observations
Is the most frequently occurring value
In ordered data, the percentile refers to the value of a variable below which a certain proportion of observations falls
primary data
Primary data are data you have collected yourself
Divides ordered data into four equal parts and indicates the percentage of observations that falls into the respective quartile and below
The difference between the largest and the smallest observation
secondary data
Secondary data are data which have been collected by somebody else
standard deviation
The standard deviation s is defined as \[\begin{equation*}s=\sqrt{\frac{\text{sum of squared deviations}}{\text{sample size} -1}}=\sqrt{\frac{\Sigma(y_{i} - \bar{y})^2}{n-1}}\end{equation*}\]
Is equal to the squared standard deviation