A component or characteristic of a concept
background concept
The broad constellation of meanings and understandings associated with the concept (Adcock & Collier, 2001, p. 531)
Abstract ideas which form the building blocks of theories (Clark et al., 2021, p. 150)
Formulating a systematized concept through reasoning about the background concept, in light of the goals of research (Adcock & Collier, 2001, p. 531)
Refers to the selection of a measure or variable
Refers to the extent to which repeated measurement produces the same results
systematized concept
A specific formulation of a concept used by a given scholar or group of scholars; commonly involves an explicit definition (Adcock & Collier, 2001, p. 531)
The extent to which the measure (variable) you choose genuinely represents the concept in question. The word comes from the Latin word “validus” which means “strong”
An element of a conceptual component which varies. We also call these “measures”