Methods, Methods, Methods
This week we will be testing two of the CLAs, namely homoscedasticity and colinearity. As always, we will use the American National Election Studies (ANES). I will draw on the data set and regression models from Week 8 to assess these assumptions.
Data Prep
Place the ANES data in a folder which you will be using as a working directory for this session. Open the “Code for Data Preparation” below, and copy this into an RScript. Remember to adjust the working directory with the setwd()
command at the beginning. Then run the RScript and you will be ready to proceed to the video.
Code for Data Preparation
# MMM - Week 8 - Data Preparation
# Set WD
# Load packages
# Load data set
anes <- read_csv("anes.csv")
# Get rid of missing values for variables used in analysis today
## 999 is equivalent to NA, so needs to be recoded
anes$fttrump1 <- with(anes, replace(fttrump1, fttrump1 == 999, NA))
anes$income <- with(anes, replace(income, income == 99, NA))
anes <- filter(anes,
# Turn income variable into a numerical variable with mid-points of each level
anes$income <- factor(anes$income)
anes <- anes %>%
mutate(income_fac = recode(income,
'1'= "2500",
'2'= "7499.5",
'3'= "12499.5",
'4'= "17499.5",
'5'= "22499.5",
'6'= "27499.5",
'7'= "32499.5",
'8'= "37499.5",
'9'= "42499.5",
'10'= "47499.5",
'11'= "52499.5",
'12'= "57499.5",
'13'= "62499.5",
'14'= "67499.5",
'15'= "72499.5",
'16'= "77499.5",
'17'= "82499.5",
'18'= "87499.5",
'19'= "92499.5",
'20'= "97499.5",
'21'= "112499.5",
'22'= "137499.5",
'23'= "162499.5",
'24'= "187499.5",
'25'= "224999.5",
'26'= "500000"))
anes$inc <- as.numeric(as.character(anes$income_fac))
# save data set for use in video
write.csv(anes, "anes_week10.csv")
Video and RScript
You can find the video introducing you to this week’s method by way of a worked example below. You can also access the code I am typing up in the video in the “Code for Data Analysis” section. I would encourage you to type it yourself, though, as then code tends to better sink into the depths of your brain 😉
Code for Data Analysis
# MMM - Week 10 - BLUE
# Set WD
# Load packages
# Load data set
anes <- read.csv("anes_week8.csv")
# Regression Models
model1 <- lm(fttrump1 ~ inc, data = anes)
model2 <- lm(fttrump1 ~ age, data = anes)
model3 <- lm(fttrump1 ~ inc + age, data = anes)
# Testing for Homoscedasticity
#Null Hypothesis: Homoscedasticity
#Alternative: Heteroscedasticity
coeftest(model2, vcov = vcovHC(model2, type="HC3"))
# Testing for Collinearity
Making Your Regression BLUE