

You can revise the R Functions we use each week with the flashcards provided. But you might want to create your own deck of cards, for example with more difficult-to-remember functions. You might also want to render the flashcards in R Studio, so you can view them there, rather than on this page.

View Existing Decks

As a first step, download the .csv file from underneath the deck you wish to replicate in R Studio. Place this in a working directory, and use setwd to set the working directory in R.

The package you need is called flashr which you need to install and load:


In order to create the deck of cards in R Studio, you need the flashcard function, which takes as its argument the name of the .csv file. For example, if you wanted to create a deck of cards with all the terms used on PO12Q, you would call:

flashcard("PO12Q_Week 10_Consolidate.csv")

Create Your Own Decks

In order to create your own deck of cards with particularly “sticky” functions, you need to create your own .csv file. It is important that the first column is titled “term”, and the second column is titled “description”. Once you have created this .csv file, follow the instructioins in the previous Section.